It’s been awhile

So, for those of you (if any) that are reading this… you’ll notice that I haven’t posted anything in over a year. I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.. just got busy – new school, new responsibilities preventing me from even remembering sometimes that I had a website. Funny how life gets in the way, no matter how determined you are.

Recently, my school’s superintendent let my principal and I know that she wanted us to document our ‘Learning as Leaders Journey’ as we work through our School Improvement Plan with our school this year, AND, that she wanted it done through technology. After I pondered this for a bit, I had an ah-ha moment! George Couros, who inspired me to create this website, suggested documenting our learning and achievement using the Ontario Leadership Framework as a guide. So… as of today (and now I have the motivation and reason to do it), I will begin to document my ‘learning as leader’ journey on my website, creating pages for each of the five domains in the framework.

First, I have to re-learn how to do this whole website thing… that in itself is a journey. But hopefully I can share my thoughts and ah-has and maybe even some pictures and videos as I create a ‘virtual’ documentation trail.

Wish me luck!